Lead Teaching Elder: Kyle Davies
Hi, my name is Kyle Davies. I grew up in the suburbs of Minneapolis, MN and have lived in a variety of places around the Twin Cities metro area. My professional experience leading up to full time ministry was mainly technical/mechanical. Previous jobs include an automotive technician and 11 years of experience in the medical device industry as a Manufacturing Technician. During my free time I enjoy playing drums, self-defense/tactical shooting, and watching alternative news sources.
I came to the Lord over a phone conversation with a man named Scott in 2002. I asked him if he would write me a letter affirming my faith for a college application. He agreed under one stipulation. Scott needed to ask me a question. His question was, “If you were to die tonight, how sure are you that you would get into heaven?” I answered, “Uhhhhhhh, 30%? I think.” Scott then explained the gospel of Jesus Christ to me. He told me I could be 100% sure I would go to heaven in Christ. I prayed to God and confessed I was a sinner deserving hell and asked for forgiveness for sinning against Him. I asked to receive the Holy Spirit and for Jesus to be the Lord of my life. My life was different in every regard after my regeneration. God gave me empathy for the homeless and incarcerated. He led me to do weekly Bible studies at a homeless shelter in St. Paul, MN for 5.5 years and I helped put on a church service in a county jail for over 2 years. My desire to help others grow in Christ’s likeness led me to take on the task of seminary in MT from 2018–2021. The Lord sustained me through those studies and blessed me with a Diploma of Theology (equiv. to an M. Div) from The Master’s Seminary. I feel blessed to serve as an undershepherd of Christ here at Community Church of Malta. The Lord provided the opportunity to minister here in October 2022. My desire is to help this congregation grow in their relationship with Christ through the ministry of His preached word. I am enjoying my growth in preaching and assisting other leaders in their development as biblical role-models. Each day’s experiences continue to mold me into the man God would have to minister to His people. I hope this testimony of God’s mercy and grace to me compels you to search after Him if you do not know Him. My prayer is you would repent, believe, and follow after Jesus in order to receive the free gift of eternal life. |